
1:05:33 - KaugDX
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
LucineSR confirmed their time - 1:10:54
LucineSR finished the race - 1:10:54
KaugDX commented: "GG"
KaugDX confirmed their time - 1:05:33
KaugDX finished the race - 1:05:33
LucineSRBirdless Pog [3] | 1:05:16 | 92%
LucineSRTopper First [3] | 1:00:47 | 86%
KaugDXMech | 1:00:11 | 91%
KaugDXBunnies | 56:49 | 85%
LucineSRAuto Scroller [3] | 55:10 | 79%
LucineSRHungy [3] | 51:46 | 73%
KaugDXDrachen | 51:35 | 78%
KaugDXEssen | 48:15 | 73%
LucineSROctillery :tf: [3] | 43:38 | 63%
KaugDXStrand | 41:03 | 62%
LucineSRFreeze Toad [3] | 39:54 | 58%
KaugDXSchnee | 37:16 | 56%
LucineSRNew Bonk City [3] | 33:56 | 49%
KaugDXDay | 32:20 | 49%
LucineSRRNG [3] | 29:07 | 42%
KaugDXNight | 27:35 | 41%
LucineSRSpook the bird [3] | 25:38 | 37%
KaugDXGift | 24:11 | 36%
LucineSRHit the dick [3] | 23:15 | 33%
KaugDXWolke | 21:42 | 32%
LucineSRMoon Clips Galore [3] | 21:12 | 31%
KaugDXWald | 20:10 | 30%
LucineSRFish [3] | 14:02 | 21%
KaugDXSees | 13:53 | 21%
LucineSRVader's Nightmare [3] | 11:04 | 16%
KaugDXWüste | 10:53 | 16%
KaugDXDino | 05:50 | 9%
LucineSRDSS or bad [3] | 05:39 | 8%
KaugDXHut | 02:34 | 4%
LucineSRGay Frogs [3] | 02:24 | 4%
KaugDX split
Race has started
Countdown started!
monika_luv has left the race
KaugDX is ready
LucineSR is ready
KaugDX has joined the race
LucineSR has joined the race
monika_luv has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy
PB - 1:03:531573+36Done

PB - 1:05:451489-36Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
LucineSR confirmed their time - 1:10:54
LucineSR finished the race - 1:10:54
KaugDX commented: "GG"
KaugDX confirmed their time - 1:05:33
KaugDX finished the race - 1:05:33
LucineSRBirdless Pog [3] | 1:05:16 | 92%
LucineSRTopper First [3] | 1:00:47 | 86%
KaugDXMech | 1:00:11 | 91%
KaugDXBunnies | 56:49 | 85%
LucineSRAuto Scroller [3] | 55:10 | 79%
LucineSRHungy [3] | 51:46 | 73%
KaugDXDrachen | 51:35 | 78%
KaugDXEssen | 48:15 | 73%
LucineSROctillery :tf: [3] | 43:38 | 63%
KaugDXStrand | 41:03 | 62%
LucineSRFreeze Toad [3] | 39:54 | 58%
KaugDXSchnee | 37:16 | 56%
LucineSRNew Bonk City [3] | 33:56 | 49%
KaugDXDay | 32:20 | 49%
LucineSRRNG [3] | 29:07 | 42%
KaugDXNight | 27:35 | 41%
LucineSRSpook the bird [3] | 25:38 | 37%
KaugDXGift | 24:11 | 36%
LucineSRHit the dick [3] | 23:15 | 33%
KaugDXWolke | 21:42 | 32%
LucineSRMoon Clips Galore [3] | 21:12 | 31%
KaugDXWald | 20:10 | 30%
LucineSRFish [3] | 14:02 | 21%
KaugDXSees | 13:53 | 21%
LucineSRVader's Nightmare [3] | 11:04 | 16%
KaugDXWüste | 10:53 | 16%
KaugDXDino | 05:50 | 9%
LucineSRDSS or bad [3] | 05:39 | 8%
KaugDXHut | 02:34 | 4%
LucineSRGay Frogs [3] | 02:24 | 4%
KaugDX split
Race has started
Countdown started!
monika_luv has left the race
KaugDX is ready
LucineSR is ready
KaugDX has joined the race
LucineSR has joined the race
monika_luv has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1679 - Dansta2106
Top Times This Month
57:30 - BusterDoggy