lovelysirius: okay we run it BACK
Qentiko: ok up for antoher
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
lovelysirius abandoned the race
MoldyMeatballs_: well, imperfect angle, i lost like 2-3s
MoldyMeatballs_: I killed gold to bad angle
MoldyMeatballs_: I'll do another, but it'll be my last
MoldyMeatballs_: cause i already closed the game
MoldyMeatballs_: were resetting right
lovelysiriusAscend | 16:24 | 37%
lovelysirius: my runs sucks anyway
lovelysirius: I will DNF RIGHT NOW
lovelysirius: qentiko would you do another
MoldyMeatballs_: Ok then I might try to quickly sqeeze in a fuse gold
Qentiko: u get it bro
MoldyMeatballs_: oh actually its 40:44
MoldyMeatballs_: I think bpt has gone past WR entirely for me
McGyna: id do a new
MoldyMeatballs_: yo sirius wanna reset this?
McGyna: i shoulda stayed in
lovelysirius: i would be down for a new but totally get if you guys are done
MoldyMeatballs_: all good Qentiko :)
Qentiko: :'(
McGyna: :(
Qentiko: i can't
Qentiko: 2 times in a row
Qentiko: sorry but
Qentiko abandoned the race
MoldyMeatballs_: sirius ya gotta start slamming the sword!
lovelysiriusTemple of Time | 12:17 | 27%
Qentiko: f.....
Qentiko: I touched the ground
Qentiko: stupid golem
MoldyMeatballs_: 55 ascend entry
MoldyMeatballs_: but in a game like this load remove time doesnt work because it could change up the routing
MoldyMeatballs_: stupid wing :(((
MoldyMeatballs_: I got 1st try cog skip
lovelysirius: i got 3rd try CSS
lovelysirius: yeahh its scuffed i think if there was an easy way to remove load times we would all be in favor of that
Qentiko: 5th try css :)
McGyna commented: "cutscene triggy"
MoldyMeatballs_: because I personally hate it of course LUL
MoldyMeatballs_: Sirius and Qentiko, I was curious you guys feel about digital 1.0
Qentiko: sub 41 first would be veru nice


Top Ratings
Top Times This Month
1:15:24 - moistgoolash
PB - 40:501500DNF

Abandoned - 18:01
PB - 41:341500DNF

Abandoned - 12:41
No PB1500DNF

Abandoned - 01:17
"cutscene triggy"
lovelysirius: okay we run it BACK
Qentiko: ok up for antoher
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
lovelysirius abandoned the race
MoldyMeatballs_: well, imperfect angle, i lost like 2-3s
MoldyMeatballs_: I killed gold to bad angle
MoldyMeatballs_: I'll do another, but it'll be my last
MoldyMeatballs_: cause i already closed the game
MoldyMeatballs_: were resetting right
lovelysiriusAscend | 16:24 | 37%
lovelysirius: my runs sucks anyway
lovelysirius: I will DNF RIGHT NOW
lovelysirius: qentiko would you do another
MoldyMeatballs_: Ok then I might try to quickly sqeeze in a fuse gold
Qentiko: u get it bro
MoldyMeatballs_: oh actually its 40:44
MoldyMeatballs_: I think bpt has gone past WR entirely for me
McGyna: id do a new
MoldyMeatballs_: yo sirius wanna reset this?
McGyna: i shoulda stayed in
lovelysirius: i would be down for a new but totally get if you guys are done
MoldyMeatballs_: all good Qentiko :)
Qentiko: :'(
McGyna: :(
Qentiko: i can't
Qentiko: 2 times in a row
Qentiko: sorry but
Qentiko abandoned the race
MoldyMeatballs_: sirius ya gotta start slamming the sword!
lovelysiriusTemple of Time | 12:17 | 27%
Qentiko: f.....
Qentiko: I touched the ground
Qentiko: stupid golem
MoldyMeatballs_: 55 ascend entry
MoldyMeatballs_: but in a game like this load remove time doesnt work because it could change up the routing
MoldyMeatballs_: stupid wing :(((
MoldyMeatballs_: I got 1st try cog skip
lovelysirius: i got 3rd try CSS
lovelysirius: yeahh its scuffed i think if there was an easy way to remove load times we would all be in favor of that
Qentiko: 5th try css :)
McGyna commented: "cutscene triggy"
MoldyMeatballs_: because I personally hate it of course LUL
MoldyMeatballs_: Sirius and Qentiko, I was curious you guys feel about digital 1.0
Qentiko: sub 41 first would be veru nice


Top Ratings
Top Times This Month
1:15:24 - moistgoolash