16 Star

18:35 - Serenmew
Nebula_Composer: So new race room or?...
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
redyoshi777 abandoned the race
Nebula_Composer: I'm down, I'm hoping I can join through my phone since my Internet is still down
Serenmew: y'all wanna do more?
Serenmew confirmed their time - 18:35
blupeecounter confirmed their time - 19:14
blupeecounter finished the race - 19:14
Nebula_Composer: I got a 17:48
Nebula_Composer: I finished
Serenmew finished the race - 18:35
blupeecounterBLJ | 17:38 | 92%
blupeecounterFS | 16:28 | 76%
blupeecounterDDD (16) | 14:59 | 69%
blupeecounterDEVIL RABIT | 14:15 | 65%
blupeecounterHMC (15) | 13:17 | 63%
blupeecounterLLL (11) | 10:25 | 52%
sevenyoshifan abandoned the race
blupeecounterSSL (7) | 07:54 | 38%
sevenyoshifanCCM8 | 07:15 | 38%
Serenmew: 40 sec canonless
blupeecounterWF (4) | 05:36 | 27%
sevenyoshifanWF6 | 05:30 | 30%
Serenmew: died in dw lol
blupeecounterDW (1) | 03:39 | 18%
blupeecounterLBLJ | 02:07 | 10%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Serenmew is ready
Serenmew: gl gamers
Serenmew: yeadyin
redyoshi777 is ready
blupeecounter is ready
redyoshi777 has joined the race
sevenyoshifan is ready
blupeecounter has joined the race
sevenyoshifan has joined the race
Serenmew has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1674 - CapruSin
1664 - Vadien
Top Times This Month
17:07 - BizzareScape
17:12 - Bombs64
PB - 16:121690+17Done

PB - 16:331468+25Done

PB - 22:241286-4DNF

Abandoned - 20:43
No PB1463-37DNF

Abandoned - 08:29
Nebula_Composer: So new race room or?...
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
redyoshi777 abandoned the race
Nebula_Composer: I'm down, I'm hoping I can join through my phone since my Internet is still down
Serenmew: y'all wanna do more?
Serenmew confirmed their time - 18:35
blupeecounter confirmed their time - 19:14
blupeecounter finished the race - 19:14
Nebula_Composer: I got a 17:48
Nebula_Composer: I finished
Serenmew finished the race - 18:35
blupeecounterBLJ | 17:38 | 92%
blupeecounterFS | 16:28 | 76%
blupeecounterDDD (16) | 14:59 | 69%
blupeecounterDEVIL RABIT | 14:15 | 65%
blupeecounterHMC (15) | 13:17 | 63%
blupeecounterLLL (11) | 10:25 | 52%
sevenyoshifan abandoned the race
blupeecounterSSL (7) | 07:54 | 38%
sevenyoshifanCCM8 | 07:15 | 38%
Serenmew: 40 sec canonless
blupeecounterWF (4) | 05:36 | 27%
sevenyoshifanWF6 | 05:30 | 30%
Serenmew: died in dw lol
blupeecounterDW (1) | 03:39 | 18%
blupeecounterLBLJ | 02:07 | 10%
Race has started
Countdown started!
Serenmew is ready
Serenmew: gl gamers
Serenmew: yeadyin
redyoshi777 is ready
blupeecounter is ready
redyoshi777 has joined the race
sevenyoshifan is ready
blupeecounter has joined the race
sevenyoshifan has joined the race
Serenmew has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1674 - CapruSin
1664 - Vadien
Top Times This Month
17:07 - BizzareScape
17:12 - Bombs64