
1:12:23 - Thunder99D
Destructor642 commented: "merde"
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Thunder99D commented: "Shit"
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:12:23
Destructor642 confirmed their time - 1:13:05
Destructor642 finished the race - 1:13:05
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:12:23
Destructor642Screw Attack | 1:05:59 | 91%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:05:29 | 90%
Destructor642Wave Beam | 1:02:25 | 85%
Thunder99DWavy Beem | 1:01:54 | 86%
Destructor642Diffusion | 59:05 | 81%
Thunder99DDiffusion Missiles | 58:47 | 81%
Destructor642Gravity Suit | 56:21 | 77%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 56:06 | 78%
Destructor642je ne run pas AMR2 | 52:24 | 72%
Thunder99DPlasma Beem | 52:11 | 72%
Destructor642problème de compétence | 50:06 | 69%
Thunder99DSpider Cringe | 50:02 | 69%
Destructor642Power Bomb | 45:03 | 62%
Thunder99DAnimales | 42:02 | 58%
Destructor642Not Double Double | 38:31 | 53%
Destructor642Ice Missiles | 34:45 | 48%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 34:43 | 48%
Destructor642Varia Suit | 30:05 | 41%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 30:02 | 42%
Destructor642Super Missiles | 25:02 | 34%
Destructor642Speed Booster | 20:27 | 28%
Thunder99DTrojan WannaBEE | 16:08 | 22%
Destructor642Charge Beam | 15:57 | 22%
Thunder99DBoombs | 13:35 | 19%
Destructor642dabstructor642 | 13:23 | 18%
Shmayd abandoned the race
ShmaydStrong beam - 1 | 09:28 | 13%
Thunder99DSharge | 09:16 | 13%
Destructor642High Jump | 09:10 | 13%
ShmaydAAAAAAA - 0* | 0 | 04:30 | 6%
Destructor642Morph Ball | 04:28 | 6%
Thunder99DMorph | 04:21 | 6%
ShmaydPew pew | 02:47 | 4%
Thunder99DMissiles | 02:47 | 4%
Shmayd split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by Shmayd
Shmayd: aight starting countdown


Top Ratings
1676 - Thunder99D
1519 - nicj100
Top Times This Month
1:12:09 - Thunder99D
1:15:15 - DarkspySCBM
1:15:50 - ronaldrage
PB - 1:11:311626+30Done

PB - 1:12:101504+20Done

PB - 1:12:211488-50DNF

Abandoned - 10:45
Destructor642 commented: "merde"
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Thunder99D commented: "Shit"
Thunder99D confirmed their time - 1:12:23
Destructor642 confirmed their time - 1:13:05
Destructor642 finished the race - 1:13:05
Thunder99D finished the race - 1:12:23
Destructor642Screw Attack | 1:05:59 | 91%
Thunder99DTinnitus | 1:05:29 | 90%
Destructor642Wave Beam | 1:02:25 | 85%
Thunder99DWavy Beem | 1:01:54 | 86%
Destructor642Diffusion | 59:05 | 81%
Thunder99DDiffusion Missiles | 58:47 | 81%
Destructor642Gravity Suit | 56:21 | 77%
Thunder99DWet Suit | 56:06 | 78%
Destructor642je ne run pas AMR2 | 52:24 | 72%
Thunder99DPlasma Beem | 52:11 | 72%
Destructor642problème de compétence | 50:06 | 69%
Thunder99DSpider Cringe | 50:02 | 69%
Destructor642Power Bomb | 45:03 | 62%
Thunder99DAnimales | 42:02 | 58%
Destructor642Not Double Double | 38:31 | 53%
Destructor642Ice Missiles | 34:45 | 48%
Thunder99DIce Missiles | 34:43 | 48%
Destructor642Varia Suit | 30:05 | 41%
Thunder99DCheese Suit | 30:02 | 42%
Destructor642Super Missiles | 25:02 | 34%
Destructor642Speed Booster | 20:27 | 28%
Thunder99DTrojan WannaBEE | 16:08 | 22%
Destructor642Charge Beam | 15:57 | 22%
Thunder99DBoombs | 13:35 | 19%
Destructor642dabstructor642 | 13:23 | 18%
Shmayd abandoned the race
ShmaydStrong beam - 1 | 09:28 | 13%
Thunder99DSharge | 09:16 | 13%
Destructor642High Jump | 09:10 | 13%
ShmaydAAAAAAA - 0* | 0 | 04:30 | 6%
Destructor642Morph Ball | 04:28 | 6%
Thunder99DMorph | 04:21 | 6%
ShmaydPew pew | 02:47 | 4%
Thunder99DMissiles | 02:47 | 4%
Shmayd split
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by Shmayd
Shmayd: aight starting countdown


Top Ratings
1676 - Thunder99D
1519 - nicj100
Top Times This Month
1:12:09 - Thunder99D
1:15:15 - DarkspySCBM
1:15:50 - ronaldrage