Guild Wars - Any%

Peggle League Cup s2r1

29:46 - Mannequin_Z
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
brassbeat abandoned the race
Mannequin_Z commented: "Calling this karma for not being better prepared becuase I could not have botched this one harder if I tried lol"
Mannequin_Z confirmed their time - 29:46
Mannequin_Z finished the race - 29:46
Mannequin_Z19 | 28:41 | 96%
Mannequin_Z18 | 27:40 | 94%
Mannequin_Z17 | 26:38 | 90%
Mannequin_Z16 | 25:45 | 87%
Mannequin_Z13 | 18:21 | 71%
Mannequin_Z12 | 17:25 | 65%
Mannequin_Z11 | 16:04 | 58%
Mannequin_Z10 | 15:06 | 52%
Mannequin_Z9 | 14:19 | 49%
Mannequin_Z8 | 13:19 | 45%
Mannequin_Z7 | 12:11 | 41%
Mannequin_Z6 | 11:22 | 38%
Mannequin_Z5 | 10:18 | 34%
Mannequin_Z4 | 09:13 | 30%
Mannequin_Z3 | 08:09 | 26%
Mannequin_Z2 | 06:18 | 20%
Mannequin_Z1 | 04:10 | 14%
brassbeat: oops didn't notice I clicked the wrong button
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by brassbeat
brassbeat is ready
Mannequin_Z: Thank you!
brassbeat is not ready
brassbeat is ready
brassbeat: Alright, gl
Mannequin_Z is ready
Mannequin_Z has joined the race
brassbeat has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1550 - piplup17
1542 - brassbeat
Top Times This Month
No PB1500Done

"Calling this karma for not being better prepared becuase I could not have botched this one harder if I tried lol"
PB - 18:351542DNF

Abandoned - 2:03:00
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
brassbeat abandoned the race
Mannequin_Z commented: "Calling this karma for not being better prepared becuase I could not have botched this one harder if I tried lol"
Mannequin_Z confirmed their time - 29:46
Mannequin_Z finished the race - 29:46
Mannequin_Z19 | 28:41 | 96%
Mannequin_Z18 | 27:40 | 94%
Mannequin_Z17 | 26:38 | 90%
Mannequin_Z16 | 25:45 | 87%
Mannequin_Z13 | 18:21 | 71%
Mannequin_Z12 | 17:25 | 65%
Mannequin_Z11 | 16:04 | 58%
Mannequin_Z10 | 15:06 | 52%
Mannequin_Z9 | 14:19 | 49%
Mannequin_Z8 | 13:19 | 45%
Mannequin_Z7 | 12:11 | 41%
Mannequin_Z6 | 11:22 | 38%
Mannequin_Z5 | 10:18 | 34%
Mannequin_Z4 | 09:13 | 30%
Mannequin_Z3 | 08:09 | 26%
Mannequin_Z2 | 06:18 | 20%
Mannequin_Z1 | 04:10 | 14%
brassbeat: oops didn't notice I clicked the wrong button
Race has started
Countdown started!
Race was started by brassbeat
brassbeat is ready
Mannequin_Z: Thank you!
brassbeat is not ready
brassbeat is ready
brassbeat: Alright, gl
Mannequin_Z is ready
Mannequin_Z has joined the race
brassbeat has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1550 - piplup17
1542 - brassbeat
Top Times This Month