
fun race

42:47 - lovelysirius
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Everyone is done. The race is finished
Qentiko confirmed their time - 49:23
McGyna commented: "failge"
MoldyMeatballs_: I didn't want us to have the WR unrecorded
McGyna confirmed their time - 54:36
lovelysirius: GG ima make a new one
MoldyMeatballs_: Im glad I threw tbh
Qentiko: ggs all
MoldyMeatballs_: I forgot to stop recording NotLikeThis
McGyna finished the race - 54:36
lovelysirius: I would def be nervous on that pace LOL
MoldyMeatballs_: I was unrecorded, it was the same run that I killed to dragon moving its head weirdly
lovelysirius: that's crazy good
lovelysirius: submit that
MoldyMeatballs_: I was on 3x pace
lovelysirius: oh shittt bro
MoldyMeatballs_: first try topaz
MoldyMeatballs_: I also got a 27:50 gsi
lovelysirius: yeah run it back!
McGyna: down
MoldyMeatballs_: I'm down
Qentiko: why not
MoldyMeatballs_: you guys want to go again?
MoldyMeatballs_: also I beat that 10:14 ToT
Qentiko: but yeah to get a 1:32 you have to get this
MoldyMeatballs_: like full on in my attempts
MoldyMeatballs_: I was doing it in runs last night
Qentiko: mozzdor to land a on the roff left without slip is so tight, I got it like 3 - 4 times ever
MoldyMeatballs_: I think we can get 1:31 with that (maybe...)
lovelysirius: damn sick
lovelysirius: yeah that was my problem i did NOT do perfect ones
MoldyMeatballs_: I did it in my gold as well as no setup clip
MoldyMeatballs_: but the mozzdors are much tighter
MoldyMeatballs_: if you land further left, Link will never slip, and it is faster
Qentiko: 1:32 intro :O
MoldyMeatballs_: sirius yknow how the roof where you try to land on top is like slanted
McGyna: 1:32 is insane
Qentiko finished the race - 49:23
McGyna: wtf
MoldyMeatballs_: but it should retime to maybe about your gold?
lovelysirius: i got 1:33.2 fadeout and was like this has to be like perfect
lovelysirius: 1:32 fadeout?!
lovelysirius: yeah bro im saying i get your ToT you get my dragon KEKW
MoldyMeatballs_: I got a 1:32.91 intro last night


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1:15:24 - moistgoolash
PB - 40:501500Done

PB - 40:551500Done

PB - 41:341500Done

No PB1500Done

No PB1500DNF

Abandoned - 12:54
"it sucked"
Race leaderboards have been updated
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Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
Qentiko confirmed their time - 49:23
McGyna commented: "failge"
MoldyMeatballs_: I didn't want us to have the WR unrecorded
McGyna confirmed their time - 54:36
lovelysirius: GG ima make a new one
MoldyMeatballs_: Im glad I threw tbh
Qentiko: ggs all
MoldyMeatballs_: I forgot to stop recording NotLikeThis
McGyna finished the race - 54:36
lovelysirius: I would def be nervous on that pace LOL
MoldyMeatballs_: I was unrecorded, it was the same run that I killed to dragon moving its head weirdly
lovelysirius: that's crazy good
lovelysirius: submit that
MoldyMeatballs_: I was on 3x pace
lovelysirius: oh shittt bro
MoldyMeatballs_: first try topaz
MoldyMeatballs_: I also got a 27:50 gsi
lovelysirius: yeah run it back!
McGyna: down
MoldyMeatballs_: I'm down
Qentiko: why not
MoldyMeatballs_: you guys want to go again?
MoldyMeatballs_: also I beat that 10:14 ToT
Qentiko: but yeah to get a 1:32 you have to get this
MoldyMeatballs_: like full on in my attempts
MoldyMeatballs_: I was doing it in runs last night
Qentiko: mozzdor to land a on the roff left without slip is so tight, I got it like 3 - 4 times ever
MoldyMeatballs_: I think we can get 1:31 with that (maybe...)
lovelysirius: damn sick
lovelysirius: yeah that was my problem i did NOT do perfect ones
MoldyMeatballs_: I did it in my gold as well as no setup clip
MoldyMeatballs_: but the mozzdors are much tighter
MoldyMeatballs_: if you land further left, Link will never slip, and it is faster
Qentiko: 1:32 intro :O
MoldyMeatballs_: sirius yknow how the roof where you try to land on top is like slanted
McGyna: 1:32 is insane
Qentiko finished the race - 49:23
McGyna: wtf
MoldyMeatballs_: but it should retime to maybe about your gold?
lovelysirius: i got 1:33.2 fadeout and was like this has to be like perfect
lovelysirius: 1:32 fadeout?!
lovelysirius: yeah bro im saying i get your ToT you get my dragon KEKW
MoldyMeatballs_: I got a 1:32.91 intro last night


Top Ratings
Top Times This Month
1:15:24 - moistgoolash